On my way to Vegas I stopped for a weekend in Pahrump, NV which is a city about an hour outside of Death Valley National Park. As always visiting National Parks with Nova is difficult, mainly because she can’t come to the National Parks so I only have a set amount of time at the park before I have to head home but we have a system and it works for us.
I’m not sure I’ve quite figured out a rhythm to visiting national parks, am I supposed to visit a number of times over multiple days or one long visit, I’m still unsure but perhaps the experience is whatever you want it to be.
Anyway in Death Valley I made a mad of several “Sights” I wanted to see. Those Included:

Devils Golf Course – An immense area of rock salt eroded by wind and rain into jagged spires.

The visit to Death Valley was short, I think in the future I’d stay for a couple of days inside the park and get more long hikes in.
Next stop on my trip was Las Vegas!