The danger of having all of this new found “free time” is you are at the near constant threat of the procrastination monster. I’ve been living in a constant state of, “I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”
There’s also the nagging perfectionist in me that knows I have so much time to work on these posts that they should be amazing. They should have a theme, or a constant brand or the best SEO (that’s the technical marketer in me and fuck me if I let work me ruin this adventure).
Eventually I told myself to just write down some shit and here I am, writing some shit.
I think this is what English Teachers call an “introduction”.
Fuck it, here we go…
On my way out of town, I stopped by my brother’s family’s lake house for our Memorial Day weekend family tradition that unfortunately got skipped last year. It usually involves swimming, beer and lounging in the sun lake side.
While visiting my brother’s family’s lake house was my first stop after leaving my NYC apartment. It was kind of my first stop but also not really. It was really more of goodbye to my family as part of the “Paige’s Farewell Tour” that I barely invited anyone to. (oops)
But I’m going to recap this shit anyway.
Let’s start with the final days of the big move the week before I headed up to my brother’s family’s lake house.
I thought this would all be a breeze. I’ve been putting all of my things in storage since I decided to make this trip over the winter. All of the piles of “storage” I had crammed into my tiny NYC apartment had been slowly peeled away over the past couple of months. I thought all that was left was the stuff I use on a regular basis.
I hadn’t moved apartments in eight years and now I remember why I stayed put because moving fucking sucks.
I had taken off work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to make the big move and silly little me had told my co-workers that I’d probably be available if they needed anything because I didn’t really need all that time. That was a lie because I was a shell of a human by Thursday afternoon and had barely stopped moving during daily light hours.
Moving is exhausting, it’s non-stop. And it feels as productive as it would emptying a sandbox with a tweezer.
By Friday I just wanted wanted to lay on my bed and take a nap BUT I COULD NOT because my god damn bed was now in storage.

First thing Saturday morning I joined my immediate family up at the lake house. We were unfortunately due for some abysmal weather. It was cold and rainy and all we could do was pound our refreshingly light beers as we stared longingly at the swimming gear we packed hopelessly in our overnight bags.
But it wasn’t a miserable time.
My six-year-old niece, who probably has a strong future as a lawyer, argued a very strong case in support of me leaving Nova behind so she could have her. She didn’t want “a dog” she wanted my dog. Unfortunately for her, I objected to that proposal. Even if it was her birthday weekend.
The family slowly trickled out of the house throughout the weekend. My middle brother left with his family on Saturday night, my father and his wife left early Monday morning and my brother, his wife and his two kids waved goodbye to Nova and I as we drove off to my first OFFICAL stop on my solo road trip.
And then I hit a deer…