Here’s a list of movies you should (not) absolutely watch if you love traveling, hiking and/or camping.

1. Wrong Turn (2003)
Especially if you are driving.

2. Children of the Corn (1984)
Especially if you are anywhere near small towns and/or cornfields

3. Strangers (2008)
Especially if you are staying in houses in quiet or desolate neighborhoods.

4. Cabin In the Woods (2011)
Especially if you are staying in…cabins that happen to be located in the woods.

5.Deliverance (1972)
Especially if you are traveling through small towns, especially if you are boating near those towns.

6.The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Especially if you’re going to be anywhere in the woods.

7.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Road tripping in a van with a group of your closest friends? Hope you aren’t driving through Texas!

8.Wolf Creek (2005)
Same thing as above except pivot to you and your closest female friend.

9.Hostel (2005)
Planning on traveling through Europe and staying in Hostels to save some money? Maybe you should avoid this movie.